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Publish changes to directory timelines

If you have made changes to a public directory timeline that you believe improve the overall quality of the timeline you can publish your changes to the public directory.

If the only editing you do is improving the dates or pictures of events that are already on the timeline you will not need to publish changes to the timeline. When you edit an event it is updated on all timelines using that event. 

Sometimes you may need to adjust the zoom level and start position after only editing events. This will require you to publish changes to the timeline. 

1.  Choose ‘Publish changes to directory timeline’ from the Save menu

Clicking on this option will take you to the Edit Summary page (shown below).

2.  Click PUBLISH to publish the changes to the directory timeline.

Edit Summary page

The Edit Summary page (screenshot above) shows you the name of the timeline you are publishing changes to, and the following edit summary information:

Events before edit: The number of events that were on the timeline before your edits

Events added: The number of events you've added to the timeline

Events deleted: The number of events you've removed from the timeline

New total: The new total number of events on the timeline.

The criteria for which events are included on a directory timeline should be consistent and from a neutral point of view. Timeline names should always follow an existing format if one already exists. 

Please read the timeline editing guidelines before editing the directory.

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